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First battle story helloworld

Posted: Fri 23 Nov, 2018 8:35 am
by m18611136959
Few people think that cooked eggs have become a wonderful tool for transmitting top secret military affairs. Things happened in the First World War. At that time, the Allies and the German armed forces confronted the Somme River, and the fierce battle could break out at any time. In order to prevent the military garrison intelligence from being stolen, the two armies also strengthened their alert service work while repairing the positional work. The Allied Army specially added a post to the junction of the German and French forces on the front line of the Somme River. All pedestrians were strictly inspected and strictly guarded against confidentiality. However, it is counterproductive. The Allied forces’ army was still attacked by the Germans one after another. Moreover, from the German attack situation, the Germans are very aware of the situation of the Allies in the country. Obviously, the situation of the Allies has long been stolen by the Germans. This made the French intelligence personnel feel both shocked and confused. One day, a German peasant woman took a basket and walked to the French military post in the border between Germany and France. She asked to go to the German defense zone to visit relatives through the sentry. The French sentinels first rigorously interrogated her, and rummaged through the basket she carried, with nothing but cooked eggs. At this time, a French sentinel picked up an egg and threw it into the air, and caught it mischievously. This unconscious move by the sentinel made the peasant woman very nervous. This time caused the suspicion of other sentinels: "Is there a ghost in the egg?" So they knocked the egg and peeled off the eggshell, only to see that the egg white was full of handwriting. When the sentinels saw it, they were shocked. It turned out that the cooked eggs were painted on the detailed map of the French army and the numbers of the various divisions. The previous top secret information was passed to the German army in this way. How can I write the word on the egg white through the egg shell? At first, the French intelligence personnel did not solve the mystery at once. Because the inventor of this kind of intelligence is not a military officer, but a German chemist. The approach he took was to first write the information on the egg shell with acetic acid and wait until the acetic acid had dried before cooking the eggs with water. In this way, the writing of sour acid is printed on the egg white through the eggshell, but there is no trace outside the eggshell. It is true that chemists use the professional length of participation in the war, and it is no wonder that the ordinary soldiers of the Allies will be fooled.