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Medical Declaration, Asthma and Appeals: Help

Posted: Thu 06 Apr, 2017 5:58 pm
by Terry1231
I've recently found out that asthma is on my medical records, however my GP claims that this could have been a false diagnosis as far as he knows due to the fact that he does not believe that someone can be diagnosed with asthma before the age of 7.
After looking this up online, it seems that the age is actually 5+ to be diagnosed; one of my issues is that according to my medical records I was diagnosed at the age of 6, so if anyone knows practitioner's rules regarding asthma that would be useful.
Also, my family claim that this is not the case and that I was given an inhaler at the age of 3 'just in case' as I had suspected asthma but I never used it and never saw a doctor about it again. This was at a GP which no longer exists although my current GP is attempting to follow up the paper trail to find out more and possibly query as to the apparent diagnosis, the date of it, and if it was possible to actually diagnose me at this age. .

The issue I have regarding my Medical Declaration is that I was given an inhaler 2 years ago when I said I get short of breath due to smoking for so many years, however I wouldn't have been given this if the false diagnosis wasn't put on my medical records. So, even if I manage to prove that this diagnosis was false, I still used an inhaler in the last 4 years which I shouldn't have been given. What does this mean for me as I understand that if I can't get proof of the diagnosis being false then I have to wait 2 years to apply again.
Even if I amend the information on my medical record saying I was diagnosed falsely and this was untrue, what does this mean for the fact that I was given an inhaler 2 years ago under false pretences so will this still affect my medical declaration?

All of this is very new to me (I found out about potentially having a history of asthma yesterday via my medical declaration) and I thought I was given an inhaler 2 years ago just to make life easier, I was unaware that blue inhalers were only given out for people with asthma at the time. I now understand a little bit more and don't think I should have been given that inhaler if the diagnosis never happened/is invalid, however it was on my medical records at the time so I was given the inhaler with the assumption that I needed it.

If I didn't have asthma at a young age and I shouldn't have been given a blue inhaler 2 years ago, will this still affect my declaration even if I have the information amended?

If you have read this I'm sure you can understand why this is very confusing for me as I still don't understand myself. If anyone can help me with any information it would be greatly appreciated, however I understand that this is a complicated issue as I'm struggling to make this a short description of my situation as it is.