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:: Joys of War ::

From the Foreign Legion, The SAS and into hell with PTSD

by John-Paul Jordan

Joys of War by John-Paul Jordan - Book Sleeve

Buy Now for only £19.99*


From: Pen & Sword Books
ISBN: 9781526743145
Pages: 134

A former Legionnaire with the French Foreign Legion, after which he joined the British Armed Forces, serving in operations in Afghanistan where he was awarded for his actions in combat.

Following his military service, John-Paul worked for international media organisations in warzones, clandestinely moving journalists in and out of some of the world's most dangerous hot-spots, before heading up logistics for a mining company in Afghanistan and training local forces.

His personal injuries from war took their toll with the effects of physically injury and non-visible injuries, PTSD.

As part of his own recovery, he wrote about his experience to share his story with others and liberate himself from the stigma of PTSD and mental health issues - or what he terms non-visible injuries… because that's what they are: an injury to be treated like any other.

John-Paul's mission is to help veterans and non-veterans alike to find their way to freedom. To start the conversation. Remove the stigma and live in the solution not the problem.

More recently he has been working closely with the charity Mind, including advising on the set of a national television programme, sharing his experiences of injuries from war.

Joys of War - Pen & Sword Books

Our Review:

5 Star Review
There are many autobiography's, but not many telling you the story of a modern day soldier in our armed forces of today and then some dealing with PTSD. This is a book with an insight into just that.

Follow John-Paul through his eyes and experience into the world including training, to all aspects of fighting and trying to readjust returning back to civvie street along with the harsh realities of war which have had an impact.

Easy reading and humour included as well as sad times, but this book will also advice others, which is very much needed for those that also suffer with PTSD and require help, any one will benefit from reading this book.

Highly recommended from someone that battles PTSD himself.

Absolutely Amazing!
- Military Forums
Many thanks for giving us the opportunity to review this book.

Available in Paperback, Kindle and ePub here:
Joys of War - Pen & Sword Books

Alternatively you can purchase on Amazon below:

Hardcover & Kindle

Pen & Sword Books

*At the time of printing prices are subject to change.
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