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:: Recommended books on the Royal Marines by our Community Members ::

Recommended books by our community members of the forum.
If you would like to recommend a book please contact us.

Recommended by: Bringer
Book: The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force
Artist: Julian Thompson

A complete and authoritative history of one of Britain's elite forces. The Royal Marines' achievement, toughness, professionalism and enterprise puts them in the same league as such other elites as the SAS and the Paras. This is the stirring and fascinating story of their rise from poor pay, lack of public regard and promotional structure, to a Special Force, brilliantly and authoritatively told. The Royal Marines's roles in many central military campaigns, including Northern Ireland and a decisive role in the recovery of the Falklands, are recorded in thrilling detail and brought to life with previously unpublished material from the Imperial War Museum and the Royal Marines Museum.
Recommended by: Bringer
Book: The Making of a Royal Marine Commando
Artist: Nigel Foster

This updated edition includes: an explanation of the SBS, and the service in-fighting that led to a joint Special Forces headquarters; an update on the fire power and role of 3 Commando Brigade; an examination of the role of both officers and NCOs; and the Royal Marine Reserve.
Recommended by: faddius
Book: The Royal Marines Circuit Training: The All-Round Commando Fitness Programme
Artist: Robin Eggar & Dieter Loraine

Low-tech circuits, or repetitive exercises on specific muscle groups are an increasing popular way of exercising. This guide gives a structured fitness programme, designed to keep exercising time down to a minimum, with hints and tips on diet, and avoiding and coping with sports injury. The book starts with an eight-week beginner course leading to a basic level of fitness which can then be maintained indefinitely using the maintenance and specialization circuits. This section also shows how to concentrate on individual requirements and diversify into games and sports. There are self-assessment tests throughout and the final section gives a four-week course designed to bring you to a peak of physical and mental fitness for a tough challenge based on SBS/SAS selection procedures which very few will find possible.
Recommended by: bootneck
Book: Unscathed: Escape From Sierra Leone
Artist: Philip Ashby

Major Phil Ashby already had a reputation for surviving scrapes, where others would - and did - break bones and worse. His strength, resourcefulness and luck had been tested to the full during his career in the Royal Marines' elite Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre and various adventurous expeditions. That luck, however, appeared to have run out in May 2000, when he was working for the UN, disarming brutalized rebels in war-ravaged Sierra Leone. When the rebels turned on the UN's representatives, butchering, skinning alive and dismembering several peacekeepers and taking over 500 postages, it seemed that all was lost and that Ashby and the other two Brits and a Kiwi would perish violently and gruesomely. Instead, Ashby took the decision to die quickly rather than slowly by attempting to escape through rebel lines. They were vastly outnumbered. They were unarmed. Somehow he led his three colleagues on a daring, dramatic escape through hostile jungle. He was awarded the Queen's Gallantry medal for his actions.
Recommended by: thokenda
Book: Green Berets in Korea: The Story of 41 Independent Commando Royal Marines 1950-52
Artist: Fred Hayhurst

Non fiction book about 41 Commando.
Recommended by: JulesB
Book: Commando: The Illustrated History of Britain's Green Berets
Artist: David Reynolds

This is the story of the development of the Commandos from the courage and tragedy of Dieppe in 1942 to the biggest amphibious landings in history at Normandy on 6 June 1944, as well as the post-war conflicts in Palestine, Suez, Malaya, Cyprus, Borneo, the Falklands, Northern Iraq and Ulster. A final chapter brings the account fully up-to-date, as it discusses the role of the Commandos in Afghanistan following the terrible events of September 11th. David Reynolds documents the development in the 21st century of Britain's Royal Marine Commandos as a key element of the UK's rapid deployment force. Equipped with new assault ships and a purpose-built helicopter carrier, the green berets are on permanent readiness for operations anywhere in the world. They are, in essence, Britain's "masters of flexible response".
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